Solar Regulations


Ready for 100% Renewable Energy

2017-29872 Resolution

This resolution supports the Sierra Club’s “Ready for 100%” campaign, and further supported the Sierra Club’s “Mayors for 100% Clean Energy” campaign by urging the 2017 U.S. Conference of Mayors participants to commit to 100% clean, renewable energy in their communities. The “Ready for 100%” campaign challenges local and regional governments across the United States to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050 or if possible sooner.


Waving Building Permit Fees for Photovoltaic (PV)

2017-4153 Ordinance

The cost to install solar includes more than just the cost of panels and installation. It also includes the cost of other equipment as well as fees associated with permits and plan reviews. In an effort to reduce barriers to installing solar, the city has waived all PV related building permit fees.


Land Development and Permitting Fees Waiver for Renewable Energy

2017-4130 Ordinance

In addition to waiving building permit fees for PV, the city has also waived fees related to Land Use Board Approval. The fee for application for public hearing related only to a solar roof or a renewable energy system on an existing building shall be waived. If the application includes other components, the standard fee shall apply. Additionally, the fee per variances related only to a solar roof or a renewable energy system shall also be waived.


Permitting Fees Waiver for EV Charging Stations

2021-4404 Ordinance

The measure waives the permitting fees from the Building, Planning and Fire Departments for EV charging stations installed on private property. The waiver does not apply to projects with exterior or underground transformers. The waiver will be in effect until March 31, 2023.


Height Exceptions to Allow for Solar Panels

2017-4124 Ordinance

This ordinance creates height exceptions to allow for solar panels, wind turbines on oceanfront properties, and sustainable roof systems. This removes a possible barrier to the installation of a renewable energy system.


Sustainable Roofs and Solar Carports

2019-4252 Ordinance

This ordinance establishes requirements for sustainable roofs – all new construction roofs must be green, blue, white, solar or metal roof; clarifies that solar panels are a permitted accessory use in all districts; allows for solar carports as an allowable encroachment into the side yard setbacks


Sustainability and Resiliency / Green Building
2016-3993 Ordinance

This ordinance requires all new construction over 7,000 square feet or ground floor additions to existing buildings over 10,000 square feet to be LEED Gold Certified or Future Living Institute Living Building Challenge or Petals Certified. Not only does this ordinance promote high performance sustainable building and development, but also encourages the installation of renewable energy through some of the possible credits. Learn more about the green building ordinance.


Support of solar co-ops

2018-30178 Reso

This resolution supports, in concept, solar purchasing co-ops.


Solsmart Gold designation

LTC 260-2019

The City of Miami Beach is a SolSmart-designated community. SolSmart is a program designed to recognize communities that have taken steps to make it easier for businesses and residents to go solar. Communities pursuing SolSmart designation are eligible for no-cost technical assistance from a team of national solar experts during the application process. This platform became possible through the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot initiative.

The SolSmart program aims to reduce solar “soft costs,” the non-hardware costs of going solar like permitting, financing, installation labor, and customer acquisition. These costs are passed on to solar customers and can increase the time and money it takes to install a solar energy system. The SolSmart designation program will provide high-profile, national recognition for communities that have made it cheaper and easier for solar customers to invest in solar energy. In addition, achieving designation will let solar companies know that a community is “open for business,” attracting new solar businesses and helping SolSmart communities share the economic development benefits attached to the solar industry.

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Private Property Adaptation

A competitive grant for residential and commercial property owners in Miami Beach.

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Read the city’s action plans that outline projects and initiatives specifically tailored to Miami Beach’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

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Plastic Free
Miami Beach

It takes over 100 years for plastic to disintegrate. Learn why and how we're combating single-use plastic.

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The City of Miami Beach is committed to innovation and learning as we address climate resilience and the co-benefits for our quality of life

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Learn about city's efforts to maintain and protect the pristine conditions of our waterways.

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