For more information on flood awareness, please visit our dedicated resource page.

The King Tide is the highest predicted high tide of the year. During this period water levels are higher than that on an average day. In Miami Beach, the king tides usually occur during the months of September, October, and November. King Tides provide a preview of the normal tidal variations we will see in the years to come as sea levels continue to rise.
When King Tides rise to an elevation higher than the adjacent land, flooding is often exhibited. Since Miami Beach is low-lying and near sea level, the city is particularly vulnerable to King Tide flooding. Miami Beach also faces flood risk from storms, hurricanes, and sea level rise and is implementing a holistic climate resilience strategy to address these flood risks.
Avoid flood waters and report flooding to 305.673.7625 or
2024 King Tides Dates
September 16 – 22
October 14 – 22
November 13 – 18