Florida Green Lodging Program

Led by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Green Lodging Program was established in 2004 to designate and recognize lodging facilities that commit to integrating sustainable standards or actions within their operations. The program is designed to allow lodging businesses to evaluate their operations while setting goals and taking specific actions to continuously improve their performance.

In order to become designated, businesses must conduct an assessment of their property and implement a specified number of environmental practices in five areas of sustainable operations:

  • Communication and Education (Customers, Employees, Public)
  • Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling
  • Water Conservation
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Indoor Air Quality

The Florida Green Lodging Program benefits not only the environment but also helps designated properties to save money and increase occupancy rates. By reducing water and energy use and reducing waste generation operating costs go down.

Learn more about the program at the Green Lodging Florida website.

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