Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment

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Thank you for your interest in the City of Miami Beach Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan. The Vulnerability Assessment has been completed and is available for viewing. A draft of the Adaptation Plan will be uploaded soon for your review and feedback.

Miami Beach is developing a Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan funded by the Resilient Florida grant program. The Vulnerability Assessment analyzes the impact of sea level rise and compound flooding on the city from a combination of factors including sea level rise, groundwater, and storm surge. This analysis provides a detailed view of the city’s flood risk to assets and infrastructure, which enables the city to compete for additional Resilient Florida grant funding. Miami Beach has successfully been awarded more than $79 million in Resilient Florida grant funding to-date. Through this initiative, the City provided community members with opportunities to share their experiences with flood risk in their neighborhoods, how this risk has affected them, and how the city can approach flood mitigation and sea level rise adaptation to best serve the community’s needs. 

The Vulnerability Assessment enables the city to evaluate the risk of flooding and sea level rise to its assets and prioritize them for adaptation. The Vulnerability Assessment's findings are used in tandem with previous plans and studies such as the Jacobs Neighborhood Prioritization Plan, Blue Green Infrastructure Concept Plan and Road Elevation (2020), in addition to other relevant sources. to develop a comprehensive Adaptation Plan to protect vulnerable assets through the year 2100. This report was developed in coordination with the Stormwater Modelling and Master Plan Update developed by the Public Works Department and adopted by the City Commission in March 2024. 

The City has several existing policies, studies, and plans that detail flood protection strategies. The Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan identifies additional and supplemental strategies to provide flood protection through the end of the century.  Unlike traditional planning approaches, an adaptation plan addresses uncertainties of the future and can adjust over time as new information becomes available and climate conditions change. This flexible approach provides a structured, yet adaptable roadmap to inform major flood protection investments. 

The Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan work in tandem to identify the City’s growing sea level rise-driven flood risks and document targeted strategies to address both near- and long-term flood protection gaps in existing efforts.  

For information on flood awareness, please visit our flood awareness resource page.

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