Phase II: Design and Construction

PPA Phase II: Design and Construction

After property owners have received their Phase I Assessment Reports and completed the first phase of the program, they are ready to move into Phase II: Design and Construction. During this phase of the program, property owners identify, hire, and work with contractors to complete the flood risk mitigation projects that will make their properties more resilient. 

By completing the processes and adhering to the requirements outlined in this document and in the Phase II Grant Agreement, owners can take steps to ensure they will maintain their funding eligibility through the PPA program and receive reimbursement when their projects are completed. 




Project Reporting

After the grant agreement has been signed by both the participant and the City, participants should work to get their permits issued so construction work can commence. The City requires that participants provide regular status updates on their projects until they are completed. These reports must describe the progress of the project since the previous update. They also must include photos of work conducted, any changes in timelines and/or budget, and notes on any issues encountered. Depending on the duration of the project, these reports are due monthly on the 15th of each month or quarterly on the periods noted below: 

If under or equal to 1 year, monthly reports are due the 15th of each month after the reporting month. If over 1 year, 1 quarterly reports are due:

  • Period of Oct. 1 - Dec. 31: Due Jan. 15
  • Period of Jan. 1 - Mar. 31: Due Apr. 15
  • Period of Apr. 1 - Jun. 30: Due Jul. 15
  • Period of Jul. 1 - Sept. 30: Due Oct. 10

At the end of the project, a final report is due with the reimbursement request. Additional information is provided under the “Reimbursement” section of this page. 

Funding and Reimbursement

Once a project is completed, the property owner must ensure permits are closed and the contractor(s) is paid in full. The property owner then submits a reimbursement request for the lesser of $17,500 or 50% of the project cost to the city. This final reimbursement request must include:

  • Grantee has paid for all expenses of the Project – Invoices and receipts/proof of payment.
    • Copies of all Expenditure and Payment Documentation (as defined in Section 4).
    • To the extent possible, the Grantee shall categorize all receipts, invoices, canceled checks, and other documentation according to the categories set forth in the Project Budget.
  • Verification that the permit has been closed/finalized and that the final Building Inspection and other required inspections have passed.
  • Grant Reimbursement Request Form, Exhibit D
    • Make sure that the vendor number is included. The older version of the report does not include this box.
  • Project Completion Report, Exhibit C.
    • This report should include a final project budget sheet, Exhibit B.
  • Photos of the project: before, during, and after completion.
  • A notarized letter from the contractor that the project was completed according to the specifications outlined in the submitted plans for the permit.
  • Proof of active flood insurance.

The city reviews the reimbursement requests and may seek additional information or corrections. Once all documentation is received and approved, the city will notify the participant they will be receiving a check in the mail from the city within 45 days of the reimbursement request approval.

**LMI participants do not need to match grant funds if the project is under $17,500 and can receive the lesser of 100% of the project cost or $17,500. Additionally, this funding may be received in the form of cash advances with proper documentation.

Applicants acknowledge and agree that payments made by the City for Applicant’s benefit and/or paid to Applicant as part of a successful grant application pursuant to the Private Property Adaptation Program may constitute taxable income for income tax purposes and be subject to taxation. Applicants shall be solely responsible for consulting a tax specialist and for the payment of any tax that may arise in connection with Applicant’s participation in the Program.

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Private Property Adaptation

A competitive grant for residential and commercial property owners in Miami Beach.

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